He was born in Verona to poor parents on 8th October 1873 and ordained as a priest in 1901. God sent him faithful disciples and inspired him the Congregation of “Poveri Servi della Divina Provvidenza”, composed of Priests and Brothers and parallel Congregation of “Povere Serve della Divina Provvidenza” in order to live and bring into the world the faith in God the Father and trust in Divine Providence, dedicating primarly to orphans, abandoned, outcasts, sick and elderly.

Video with Don Calabria’s images and voice

Among his charities is included the hospital complex of Negrar that, in his intention, was destined to become the “Cittadella della Carità”. After his death, occurred on 4th December 1954 in Verona, his memory was not erased and, also today, in the Church, Don Calabria is indicated as example of faith in Heavenly Father and love towards needy persons, in which he saw the “living images of Jesus”.

He was beatified by Holy Father John Paul II in Verona on 17th April 1988 (Read the Pope’s speech to health workers e see photos of event) and canonized by the same Pope on 18th April 1999 in Rome. His Congregation now is present, with his own spirit, in several Italian and worldwide cities.

Video on Don Calabria’s Divine grace and his Charity today