To perform the tests at the Hospital Sample Collection Center the booking is MANDATORY even for the anticoagulant therapy (Coumadin) routine tests:
The booking can be made:
  • with medical authorization
  • without prescription. In this case the test (even with exemption) is totally charged to patient.
    Click here to learn the costs of most recurring tests

    Without prescription the tests cost is based on Veneto Region rate, so OFTEN the total expense with medical prescription or without is the same.
    The maximum cost for authorization is 36.15 €.


A code is issued at the moment of booking. In case of online booking the code appears (and may be print) once the booking is successful. In case of phone booking the Call Center communicates the code. In both cases a sms/email reminder is sent. The same code appears on monitors when is your turn at reception. Please note that the booking does not require the pick up of access number by “no-queue totem” at the entrance and the booking time corresponds to the admittance time, NOT SAMPLING time.

The meaning of codes

ZU glucose load curves

ZM mycological samples

ZS serologic samples for COVID 19

ZP blood samples

ZB blood samples for infant, baby 0-2 years

ZE blood gas analysis sample

ZT sample for swab

ZD sample for COVID 19 swabs

ZC pick up of containers and delivery of biological matters

ZG helped path for pregnant women and disabled persons

ZH after vaccine serologic samples