Director: Professor Zeno Bisoffi
Manager: Dr Giuseppe Marasca
The SANE Operative Unit attends to:
- Develop guidelines for a shared and as much as possible uniform management of the patients affected by infectious diseases.
- Foster a rational use of the antibiotic therapy.
- Reduce the incidence and fight the spread of nosocomial infections and antibiotic-resistant germs.
To achieve these aims the SANE Unit assures a precise and constant (generally the same day) coverage of infectivological consultancy requests from all the hospitals wards, in particular from the Intensive Care Unit which holds daily briefings. The SANE Unit favors the constitution of an operative group composed by personnel of Medical Direction, Pharmacy, Microbiology and Computer Services that collaborate with the Hospital Infection Committee (CIO).
In order to reduce the intervention time in suspect cases of sepsis, the SANE Unit monitors in real time all the hemocultures in collaboration with the Microbiology Unit.
Furthermore the SANE Unit fosters various multi-disciplinary teams: the team of orthopaedic infections for the diagnosis, management and prevention of prosthetic infections (in collaboration with the Orthopaedic Unit); the endocarditis team for the diagnosis, management and prevention of endocarditis (in collaboration with the Cardiology, General Medicine, Geriatric, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Units).