For all tropical and infectious diseases, the Infectious, Tropical Diseases and Microbiology Department (DITM) is engaged, in current and future research lines of Scientific Research Hospital (IRCCS), in translational biomedical projects with experimental studies tended to deepen the knowledges on little-known pathogenetic mechanisms, interaction between pathogen and immune system of the host, identification of biomarkers and innovative therapeutic targets. This in order to enhance the diagnostic, prognostic and treatment aspects that may have positive relapse on the patient’s care.
To support the various projects in research areas decribed above, the DITM established a biobank, (“TROPICA BIOBANK”), of human biological samples and pathogens donated by patients underwent laboratory investigations for infectious and tropical diseases and by healthy volunteers.
The type of samples collected and conserved in the biobank consists of human liquid and solid biological matrices, DNA, proteic extracts or subcellular fractions, bacterial isolates and arthropods sampled by patients. The collection of samples, together with the associated data, is carried out by professional figures: physician, nurse, medical laboratory technician, biologist/biotechnologist.
The possible materials conserved are:
- Whole blood: to collect this component the patient undergoes a peripheral blood sample in test tubes with anticoagulant. Then the blood is divided into portions (e.g. da 500 µL o 1 mL). This type of sample will be used for genomic, molecular biology, cell, proteomic and biochemical cultures analisis, and for analisis of peripheral cell phenotyping.
- Plasma: to collect this component the patient undergoes a peripheral blood sample in test tubes with anticoagulant. The blood is centrifuged to separate the plasma from the corpuscular part. Then the plasma is sampled and divided into portions. This component will be used for genomic, molecular biology or proteomic, biochemical and metabolomic analisis.
- Corpuscular component of blood: to collect this component the patient undergoes a peripheral blood sample in test tubes with anticoagulant. The blood is centrifuged to separate the plasma from the corpuscular part. Then the corpuscular part is sampled and divided into portions. This component will be used for genomic, molecular biology, proteomic, biochemical and metabolomic analisis.
- Serum: to collect this component the patient undergoes a peripheral blood sample in test tubes devoid of anticoagulant in order to obtain the portions of serum. This component will be used to research serum isolatable components, as cytokines, chemokynes, antibodies, antigens, DNA, et cetera.
- Feces: this sample is collected in order to carry out molecular biology investigations, to assess the intestinal microbiota (e.g. metagenomic, metabolomic) or to research specific components related to given pathogens (e.g. DNA, antigens, metabolited, et cetera). The collection ways are those fixed by the diagnostic routine procedures.
- Urine, saliva, broncho lavage, expectoration, acqueous humor, vitreous humor, tears, swab samples, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), other biological fluids: these samples are collected to research molecules (e.g. DNA, proteins) or metabolites in the sample. The collection ways are those fixed in the diagnostic routine procedures in relation to the molecule under study.
- Tissues (biopsies/needle aspiration): these samples are collected to research molecules (e.g. DNA, proteins) or metabolites in the sample. The collection ways are those fixed in the diagnostic routine procedures in order to carry out the analysis.
- Bacterial isolates from patients: these samples are collected in order to typify the isolated pathogen (e.g. molecular, metabolited, proteic, biochemical and phenotypic studies).
- Arthropods sampled from patients: these samples are collected in order to typify the arthropod found and to analyze the possible pathogen of which it is vector.
- DNA, other nucleic, proteic and cell extracts: the nucleic acids, the proteins and/or cell extracts obtained by different type of samples can be preserved in order to be used in additional genomic, molecular biology and proteomic analysis.
A blood sample to preserve the sample in biobank is not requested for the patient/donor, but it is stocked the surplus sample from usual diagnostic activity.
ANYONE CAN HELP MEDICAL RESEARCH, SIMPLY OFFERING THE SURPLUS BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES COLLECTED FOR DIAGNOSTIC TESTS. Instead of being thrown after the tests, the sample can become important for the future and research! For donation is necessary to sign the consent provided by hospital workers. The researchers will preserve the surplus of your sample in strictest confidence. For more information please click here