Cost for trials assessment: 3.000,00 Euro
Cost for single opinion: 6.000,00 Euro
Cost for assessment of substantial amendment: 1.000,00 Euro
The investigation costs above-mentioned, paid by the for-profit promoters, must be divided:
- 70% to the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona, seat of CESC
- 30% to the Clinical Research Unit.
Within 30 days of agreement signature is provided for the payment of 1.500,00 Euro to the Clinical Research Unit as consideration for the verification of trial progress.
The assessment costs allocated to the CESC must be paid into the bank account assigned to:
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona
P. IVA 03901420236
Banca Popolare di Verona S. Geminiano e S. Prospero
Head office in Piazza Nogara n.2 – 37121 VERONA, Italy
IBAN code: IT27S0503411750000000019300
BANCO POPOLARE Società Cooperativa Filiale di Piazza Nogara, 2 – 37121 Verona, Italy
Reason: Versamento spese di valutazione sperimentazione prot. N…….. ”
The research assessment costs allocated to the Clinical Research Unit must be paid into the bank account assigned to:
Istituto Don Calabria – Ospedale Sacro Cuore
Via Don Sempreboni, 5 37024 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR), Italy
VAT number IT00280090234
BANCO POPOLARE DI VERONA e NOVARA S.p.A. – Dipendenza di Negrar
IBAN code: IT 93 W 05034 59600 000000006668
Reason:” Versamento spese di valutazione sperimentazione prot. N……… ”
The cost for the verification of trial progress allocated to the Clinical Research Unit must be paid into the bank account assigned to:
Istituto Don Calabria – Ospedale Sacro Cuore
Via Don Sempreboni, 5 37024 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR), Italy
VAT number IT00280090234
BANCO POPOLARE DI VERONA e NOVARA S.p.A. – Dipendenza di Negrar
IBAN code: IT 93 W 05034 59600 000000006668
Reason:” Versamento quota di monitoraggio sperimentazione prot. N……… ”
The payment per patient to the facility where the trial is carried out (IRCCS Sacro Cuore – Don Calabria in Negrar di Valpolicella, Verona, Italy) must be paid into the bank account assigned to:
Istituto Don Calabria – Ospedale Sacro Cuore
Via Don Sempreboni, 5 37024 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR), Italy
VAT number IT00280090234
BANCO POPOLARE DI VERONA e NOVARA S.p.A. – Dipendenza di Negrar
IBAN code: IT 93 W 05034 59600 000000006668
Reason:” Versamento compenso per paziente sperimentazione prot. N……… “