Director: Professor Zeno Bisoffi
Manager: Dr Francesca Perandin
Coordinator: Donatella Piccoli
The Microbiology Operative Unit and SAELMT carries out diagnostic investigations and monitoring of the main infectious diseases. The laboratory is organized in specialized sectors – Microbiology, Parasitology and Tropical Diseases, Virology and Molecular Diagnosis – for each of which was identified a referent who coordinates the activities. Part of activity is dedicated to research and development of methodological aspects for a continuous training in supporting the clinic.
The Operative Unit occupies modern facilities equipped with spaces and instruments able to allow the carrying out of traditional (e.g. cultural or serologic tests) and innovative diagnosis (MALDI-TOF and molecular biology); then it ensures high-quality services, thanks also to the close cooperation with care and research activities.
The Operative Unit is engaged to:
- Offer a range of Clinical Microbiology laboratory easily accesible and able to satisfy the patient’s needs.
- Offer super-specialized laboratory services
- Provide to professionals, both internal and external to the facility, diagnostic indications of basic importance for a correct clinic interpretation and therapeutic monitoring.
- Handle the professional training of staff through refresher courses.
- Provide to external professionals training courses to manage a basic laboratory for tropical countries
- Provide a service inspired by principles of management, services planning and providing quality and aimed at the continuous improvement.
Microbiology and Virology Laboratory: ground floor Ospedale Sacro Cuore – Entrance F
Tropical Diseases and Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory: fourth floor Ospedale Don Calabria
- Switchboard: +39.045.6013111
- Secretaryship: Tel. +39.045.6013324-3311
For telephone information: from Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm.
- Microbiology, with diagnostic activity dedicated to the bacterial (included the Mycobacteria ones) and funginal infections, and active surveillance for the multi-resistant pathogens. This activity takes place also with periodic reports that relate the resistance of pathogens isolated from different materials.
- Parasitology and Tropical Diseases, with identification activity of pathogens with traditional and molecular methods, and antibody research with enzymatic and immunofluorescence methods, as well as “immunoblot” tests. This ward carries out the serologic screening of blood donors, as screening and confirmatory tests for malaria and Chagas disease confirmatory test for the Transfusione Medicine Department of Verona’s Province. Furthermore it sets preparations for an external firm which provides quality assessment (EQA) programmes.
- Virology and Molecular Diagnostic, with investigations related to epatiti B and C virus (HBV, HCV with genotyping); plasma viral load HIV-RNA (and drug-resistance); research of agents responsible of sexually-transmitted diseases (Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae); research of viral agents responsible of central nervous system infections (herpes virus and enterovirus ); research of viral agents responsible of respiratory infections; research of intestinal parasites (protozoa and helminths); research protozoa and hematic helminths; research of infectious rare diseases pathogens; research Coronavirus on nasal-pharyngeal swab.
Sample Collection Center Access
Access only for specific services performed by Infectious and Tropical Diseases specialists
Normal sampling:
- Only for patients outside the Verona’s Province who need samplings for the Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Immigrants and Travel Clinic, the reception desk time is until 12.00pm from Monday to Friday at the Tropical Diseases Secretaryship, Ospedale Don Calabria, sixth floor.
Only delivery of biological samplings and/or pick up of tests containers:
- Without booking from Monday to Friday 9.00am-12.00pm at the Tropical Diseases Secretaryship, Ospedale Don Calabria, sixth floor.
Strongyloides stercoralis culture and microscopic research of hematic micro filaria
- Booking required dialing +39.045 6013311 from Monday to Thursday 9.30am-11.00am
Notice and informed consent to preserve biological samples
The patient will be provided with a further notice and related consent, that are supplementary to the consent of personal data treatment, and concerns only the preservation of its own sample in surplus (after diagnostic examinations requested by physician or specialist physician) suitable for allowing both further examinations and treatment of data and information aimed at pursuing objectives of research in biomedical field (see here)
- online using the specific procedure contained in the green note for picking up;
- at the Medical Reports Office or by the electronic device (TOTEM) both placed at the new Viale Rizzardi’s entrance, using the above procedure on the green note to pick up;
- on patient’s request and on payment of 1,00 € as posta fee, the tests may be sent by mail to home indicated by patient.
- the medical reports requested by other facilities are sent by mail; they may be forwarded by email-pdf encrypted, on request.