La U.O.C. di Oncologia Medica, nata nel Gennaio 1995, integra la diagnosi ed il trattamento del paziente con malattia tumorale con interessi di ricerca clinica e traslazionale, partecipando a studi clinici nazionali ed internazionali.
The COU of Medical Oncology, founded in January 1995, integrates the diagnosis and treatment of tumour patients with clinical and translational research interests, participating in national and international clinical studies.
The main principles that we aim to offer:
- each patient should receive the best treatment possible in respect of quality of life and information provided, dealing with the needs of the patient himself and his family;
- continuous treatment, with particular care given to patients undergoing integrated therapy;
- personal experience in a range of multidisciplinarity throughout the Oncological Department.
During 2009, the Department of Oncology was certified by the ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology) as an Integrated Centre of Oncology and Palliative Care.
This certification is a particularly meaningful testimony to the constant attention to the overall (psychological, social, spiritual) wellbeing of the person afflicted with a tumour.
Services offered to the patient:
- Clinical Service and Unit of Studies of Breast Disorders
- Clinic/Day Hospital
- Unit of Controlled Clinical Studies
- Service of localisation and management of central venous catheters
- Ordinary Admission and Unit of Palliative Treatment
- Oasis
A. Clinical Service and Studies of Breast Disorders
• Study of Breast Pathologies
The Unit for the Study of Breast Pathologies undertakes activities for all women suffering breast problems, from prevention up to complex diagnostics.
The service allows us to optimise diagnosis times and to offer the most appropriate treatments for breast carcinoma (surgery, systemic therapy, radiotherapy), thanks also to the integration with the activities of the Multidisciplinary Group of Breast Pathologies.
To book, please phone +39 045 601 3548 from Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
• Psycho-oncology
This service offers specialist help in dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of an oncological illness,to all patients of the Oncology COU
To book, please phone +39 045 601 3691 from Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
• Multidisciplinary oncological activity
The multidisciplinary approach allows us to provide cancer patients with qualified care thanks to the organisation of groups of dealing with various pathologies comprising doctors who have developed specific skills and who have undergone appropriate diagnostic-therapeutic courses.
Activities are arranged during weekly (or monthly – in the case of rare pathologies) meetings to discuss clinical cases and to establish the correct integrated and multidisciplinary diagnostic-therapeutic programme. The meetings are attended by specialists participating in the diagnosis and treatment of tumours and in the care of patients (radiologist, anatomist-pathologist, surgeon, oncologist, radiotherapist, psychologist, etc.).
Meetings are divided according to the tumour pathology.
The multidisciplinary clinic activity also offers the following services:
– Haematology consultation;
– Neuroendocrine surgery;
– Clinical nutrition.
Oncology Clinic
Don Calabria Hospital – 1st floor
B. Clinic/Day Hospital
The Clinic/Day Hospital includes a secretary’s office (two secretaries), seven clinics and 16 beds. The medical and nursing staff are the same as Oncology. There are also two psychologists available.
The section deals with the treatment and assistance of patients requiring antiblastic drugs, support therapies, and transfusions.
Since 1st October 2013, the Clinic/Day Hospital has opened until 5:00pm from Monday to Friday.
The Clinic/Day Hospital also offers a Service of localisation and management of central venous catheters for long and short term use.
“Don Calabria” Hospital – 5th floor
Secretary’s office: Tel. +39 045 601 3472; Fax +39 045 601 3411;
C. Unit of Controlled Clinical Studies
The Unit of Controlled Clinical Studies carries out clinical research and currently there are 33 clinical protocols being undertaken (download the attachment )
supervised by two Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC). (Tel. +39 045.601.35.50 / +39 045.601.48.80; Fax: +39 045.601.34.11).
From January 2013 to September 2014, 11 clinical protocols were approved by the Ethic Committee with reference to this Hospital and currently eight clinical experimentations are undergoing evaluation by the EC.
D. Department of Ordinary Admission and Palliative Therapies
• Reparto di Degenza Ordinaria
The department has 16 beds, of which 8 are dedicated to palliative care. The staff is comprises oncology doctors, a secretary, a psychologist, a charge nurse, 11 nurses, 3 GPs and 9 health workers.
Activities undertaken
The clinical activity carried out in this department deals with the diagnosis and management of oncological complications, and the administration of chemotherapies which, due to their duration and/or acute toxicity, require careful monitoring of the patient. Furthermore, 8 beds in the ward are dedicated to palliative treatment, with a specialist doctor and nursing staff.
Oncological Clinic
“Don Calabria” Hospital, 5th floor
Charge nurse: Tel. +39 045 601 4602
Secretary’s office: Tel. +39 045 601 3472
E. Oasis
In summer 2011, we opened an area for relaxation and welcome to the ward, known as the “Oncology Oasis” and this was completed with an eating area in 2012.
It includes: a room for conversation; a corner for the purchase of drinks, coffee, snacks/sandwiches; an area for listening to music; a TV and video recorder area; a reading corner with fully-equipped library for the lending of books.