What is it IRCCS?
The Scientific Research Hospital (IRCCS) is an excellent hospital which pursues research purposes, mainly clinic and translatory, in the biomedical field. Indeed, one of the most relevant aims of IRCCS is to ensures a direct consequence on the patient care in order to ease the prediction, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
With the Decree 23rd May 2018 (published on the Italian Official Journal on 19th June 2018) the Italian Health Ministry recognized the Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital as Scientific Research Hospital (IRCCS) for the Infectious and Tropical Diseases, the only one to have obtained the recognition also for the tropical diseases.
Decreto 23 maggio 2018: Riconoscimento del carattere scientifico all’Ospedale di Negrar
On 13rd September 2018 the Directorate of Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital appointed the members of IRCCS Infectious and Tropical Diseases’ Technical Scientific Committee.
Technical Scientific Committee
Scientific Director:
Professor Pier Carlo Muzzio
Vice Scientific Director:
Professor Zeno Bisoffi
The Scientific Directorate, in collaboration with the Scientific Secretaryship, Grant Office, Technology Transfer referent and Library, manages and coordinates the technical-scientific and organisational aspects of scientific research activities, fostering the inventive research within the Hospital.
Referent: Doctor Laura Zocca
This office is part of the Scientific Directorate, it supports the researchers in the scouting of funding calls and administrative practice for research. Furthermore, attends to the management and economic account rendering for research projects compying with the various deadlines imposed by specific calls. It maintains relations with the Italian Health Ministry and manages the account rendering of current research and scientific production, in collaboration with the Scientific Library. Finally it also manages the Technical Scientific Committee activities.
Referent: Dr Elena Pomari
This office is part of the Scientific Directorate, supports the researchers in transferring the knowledges from laboratory to market, presenting itself as interface between the Institute scientific research and the business world, in view of favoring the synergies. Assisted by a legal office specialized in protection of intellectual property, it assesses the project proposals in terms of innovation and international competitiveness, identifying the requirements to file a patent and offering support to researcher for the technology transfer.
Referent: Dr Andrea Fittipaldo
The Scientific Library is part of Bibliosan network of Italian biomedical research institutions and is working since the IRCCS recognition. It supports the researchers in searching for the scientific documentation, developing systematic review and collaborates with the Scientific Secretaryship. Furthermore it offers a wide accessibility to on-line databases, even thanks to the interlibrary system exchange NILDE based on the Italian Periodical National Common Archive (ACNP).
Clinical Research Coordinator: Dr Dora Buonfrate
She coordinates the clinical research team, composed above all of medical researchers, and assesses the pertinence of project proposals with the aims of IRCCS three-year programme.
Biomedical Research Coordinator: Dr Chiara Piubelli
She supports the researchers who operate in medical field and verifies that their project proposals are coherent with the aims of IRCCS three-year programme.
Scientific Secretaryship and Grant Office
Doctor Laura Zocca
Tel: +39.045.6014851
Email: segreteriascientificairccs@sacrocuore.it
Technology Transfer Referent
Dr Elena Pomari
Tel: +39.045/6013111 (int. 3095)
Email: elena.pomari@sacrocuore.it
Scientific Library
Dr Andrea Fittipaldo
Email: biblioteca.scientifica@sacrocuore.it