Director: Dr Stefania Gori
Secretary: Francesca Schiavone


Secretariat: (+39) 045.601.3548/3691
From Monday to Friday 9.00am-3.00pm
e-mail: dip.onc@sacrocuore.it


The Oncology Department has the following functions:

  1. coordinate the activity of services and units involved in diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of cancer patient;
  2. follow the Veneto Cancer Network (ROV – Rete Oncologica del Veneto) and regional guidelines;
  3. plan the scientific updating activity.

The Oncology Department represents a model of multidisciplinarity applied to clinical oncology practice that allows to provide cancer patient a qualified care thanks to an organization for pathology groups composed of physicians who developed specific skills and activated appropriate diagnostic-therapeutic paths (Multidisciplinary Oncology Groups).

GOM Members